Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Deceptive Decepticons

Dumb dying Decepticons
The machines man made
Made to boost man’s ego

Don turns to Delma to decipher affection
With finger fumbling for false delight
Turn back to the screen to cheer and jeer
The man made machine

Don is Dimwitted

With his flailing hair flown in a false wind
Like a de-masculated man’s man.
What type of man does he think he is?

Damn, Don is dumb.

Distraught Delma sits dumbfounded by Don
And grins and groans like a dying animal’s moan
Because her boyfriend dragged her to watch the
Dying decepticons dominate each other

Does Don know I’m dying to do…


Delma wondered what Peter was doing
Probably petting his pet, Paws
Or sobbing on a prickly pillow sticking him like a pick
From the pain of a sad romantic

Delma dreamt of Peter while dumb Don
Discussed the dying decepticons with


Deep in Delma’s head
She played pillow fight with Peter
 While Don and Rick discussed
Poor Don probably planned a dinner after
the dying decepticons were all destroyed

Delma, however, was deceptive
She dreamt
If I was with Peter now
Would I be pleased to pet his pet Paws and his   


War Room

The scribbling pens make noise like bombing planes
I can only drop F bombs
It’s all in vain
Why must I write so negatively about my mom?

Etch out to remove the first paragraph
It sucks and stinks like a rotten carcass
My letters look like an autograph
This frustration is causing a ruckus

It’s a war and I am loosing
The other students turn in work before me
The feeling after this will be soothing
I write faster so I too can be free

The assignment is tough
I cannot write a sonnet
I hope to finish I hope I have enough
It is like I am running the gauntlet

I’m close now this last stanza is a sign
I turn in the paper and retreat from enemy lines

Introduction- Letter to the Awesome Reader

What up bloggers, writers, doodlers.... ALL ARE WELCOME! :)

This is a space for all who enjoy the occasional short story.  Relax your eyes, your fingers (so do not click to advance to a new blog), and let my story spill its soapy imagery through your mind so the mental picture you create oozes out of your ears and spills across your keyboard to then fill the room with fantasy and… (ok… this is getting out of control).  Please just read and enjoy! :)  If you like what you see, PLEASE drop a little positivity so I may entice you with more story.

Or... critic the heck out of me, so I may entice you with- better- stories.  THANK YOU for reading

By you doing so, you are helping me fulfill my dreams    
